"Flowers are restful to look at. They have neither emotions nor conflicts." - Sigmund Freud
People will take better care of their flowers and plants thanks to our website. You can look up care instructions for the plant or flower you own by typing its name into a search bar. For example, if someone wants to know how often you need to water roses then it will show how much water they need and what kind of environment they need to be in. There are currently over one hundred flowers and plants that our users can search for but that number will keep growing in the future.
Natural Finds aims for a cleaner, safer, and a more environmentally friendly environment through plants and flowers. We encourage people to take care of their plants and flowers as an initiative to take care of the environment. We promote planting/owning certain types of flowers and plants that absorb carbon dioxide, absorb toxins, produce oxygen, and improve overall air quality outdoors, but most of all indoors as well. Sometimes of plants absorb benzene which is an air pollutant that contaminates water and the soil. Levels of benzene are higher indoors than outdoors so having these types of plants at home are great health benefits. Since some plants and flowers absorb carbon dioxide, they can influence global warming, climate change, and lower contamination levels.